The Liberia Airport Authority has announced the commencement of work on 11,000 feet of runways at the Roberts International Airport.
RIA Authorities Deny Faulty Screening Machines and Power Outages Despite Reports
Authorities at the Roberts International Airport have denied reports that screening machines at the Roberts International Airport are often dysfunctional due to constant power outage.
BWI Principal Outlines Progress Despite Low Budgetary Support
The administration of the Booker Washington Institute said it made substantial progress in 2016, despite low budgetary allotments to the institution, considered one of Liberia’s preeminent centers for technical and vocational education.
Nuquay’s Request to Retain Current Lawmakers Ridiculed by House Aspirant
Rep. Emmanuel Nuquay, the speaker of the House of Representatives, has called on citizens of all 73 electoral districts to retain their representatives during the upcoming elections.
Maryland and Monsterrado Set to Clash in Count Meet Final
After almost six weeks, the National County Sports Meet has reached its final stage with Maryland scheduled to play Monsterrado on Sunday, Jan. 15 at the Antoinette Tubman Stadium.
Margibi Senator’s Dual Doctorate Degrees Questioned
Bitter arguments have ensued among citizens of Margibi after a former president of the Federation of Liberian Youth, Jimmy Sankatuah, questioned the authenticity of Senator Jim Tornonlah’s two doctorate degrees.
RIA, Margibi Agree to Keep Airport Surroundings Clean
The management of Roberts International Airport and Margibi authorities have agreed to measures that will keep the environment surrounding the airport clean.
After Ebola, NGO Resumes Mission to Provide Free Surgeries
A US-based nonprofit has resumed its mission of providing free surgical operations in Liberia, after being disrupted by the Ebola outbreak.