Is Liberia today the Christian nation its founders proclaimed it to be some 172 years ago
OP-ED: Can Prayer Solve Africa’s Problems?
Africa, the cradle of humankind, is a diverse, and deeply spiritual, continent. Numerous religions are practiced across Africa with the main ones being Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. While religion has its place, there seems to be a higher influx of church prayer services in Liberia than there are schools or solid policies as a solution to poverty and Africa’s other vexing problems.
On Shaky Ground: Secularism, Religion and the Liberian Nation
Delegates at the recently concluded National Constitution Review Conference approved a proposal to make Liberia a Christian state. Jackie Sayegh explains why the notion that Liberia was founded on Christian principles is based on a lie. She argues that if Liberia is to remain inclusive, the constitution must preserve secularism.