Flood Renders Hundreds Homeless in Paynesville

PAYNESVILLE, Montserrado – A recent flood in Paynesville affected the homes of thousands of people in several communities, with hundreds made homeless.

One of those communities is Nackley Town, where over 800 people, including women and children, were made homeless. Residents of Mud Town and Star Baptist communities also saw their homes flooded.

Most residents were left with no alternative but to transfer their belongings to the homes of friends and school buildings in nearby communities.

The residents of the three communities are now internally displaced and are calling on the government and humanitarian organizations for help.

Theresa Sonpon, a resident of Star Baptist community, told The Bush Chicken that the water table this year is higher than in previous years. She said this is the first time the water has reached the window level of their homes in her ten years of living in the community. This year’s high level of water has compelled her to relocate and seek refuge in the homes of her friends in Jacob Town community.

Sonpon, a single mother of two children, said she was compelled to relocate due to the heavy rains and has vowed not to return to the community after the flood damaged several of her belongings, including her TV, freezer, personal documents, and food.

“I am afraid of this water level,” Sonpon said. “It’s my first time to see water reach this far. We need to run for our lives.”

She wants the Environmental Protection Agency and the Ministry of Public Works to help the communities find solutions to the continuous flooding in the communities.

She said if the government fails to intervene, floods could take away lives and destroy properties, especially if the rains start falling at night.

Prince Dennis runs a small printing press in the community. He told The Bush Chicken that the water entered his printing press and destroyed all his equipment.

The communities are situated along the swamp that holds a small creek, and many homes and other structures have been constructed along the waterway, a significant factor responsible for the flooding.

Featured photo by George Momo


George Momo

George K. Momo is also a correspondent of Liberia Broadcasting System and manager of Cape Rock Radio. He serves as acting president of the Maryland Press Association and the secretary-general of the South Eastern Journalist Association of Liberia. He is the Press Union of Liberia 2018 Human Rights Reporter award winner. George started his journalism career in Kakata at Atlantic Radio; he has over eight years working experience in community radio journalism. George is also a senior student of William V.S. Tubman University College of Education majoring in Early Childhood Education.

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