Maryland’s Superintendent Henry Cole Officially Inducted into Office

HARPER, Maryland—Maryland’s new superintendent, Henry Cole, has officially taken office in Harper. Cole was inducted along with other local government officials on May 8.

Deputy Internal Affairs Minister Selena P. Mappy led the induction. Apart from Cole, Assistant Superintendent for Development Fred H. Barto and County Finance Officer Stevenson B. Dweh were also ushered into their new offices.

In inducting the new officers, Mappy challenged them to be servant leaders who place the people’s concerns above their own.

“Mr. Cole’s appointment made by His Excellency President Joseph Nyuma Boakai as superintendent for Maryland County aims to promote the agenda of the Rescue Mission,” she added. “I once served as superintendent for Bong County, and it seems difficult but required wisdom and God’s grace.”

Cole, for his part, thanked the president for appointing him and promised to work in the interest of the people of Maryland: “I promise to run a participatory leadership with the Marylanders in and out of Maryland to support the county’s development agenda.”

Cole added, “I will, in my power, try to unite the people of Maryland. Those who need reconciliation will be reconciled.”

He promised to also use his long-standing relationship with neighboring Cote d’Ivoire to enhance the free flow of goods and services through the borders, allowing Marylanders to receive these goods at low cost.

Former senator Dan Morias attended the induction ceremony and admonished the new leadership to go beyond politics to reconcile the county. Morias said that now that the elections were over, it was time to unite as one people if development was to be achieved.

“Maryland is our home, and if we go higher, we will come back home,” the former senator said. “What I’m saying is that politics is over. Let’s put our differences aside and work together to uplift Maryland.”

“I ran as a senator but didn’t win the seat,” Morias added, noting he has no qualms with any of the politicians who defeated him. “Senator [James] Biney, Senator [J. Gbleh-bo] Brown, we are all friends – just to show you that elections are events that come and go. Therefore, I’m encouraging you all to do the same by working with our newly inducted officials to move our county ahead.”

Featured photo by Elizabeth T. Cheechea

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