Author Archives: Harris Kerkula

OP-ED: Too Big to Jail – Supreme Court’s Sad New Precedent for Criminal Breach of Fiduciary Duties

OP-ED: Too Big to Jail – Supreme Court’s Sad New Precedent for Criminal Breach of Fiduciary Duties

Today the Supreme Court of Liberia is saying that in cases of theft of property, criminal conspiracy, and misapplication of entrusted property, all the convicted felon has to do is to pay back the money and all will be fine.

OP-ED: Master Dribbler George Weah is Still Dribbling With Liberia’s Corruption’s Fight

No one doubt that President George Weah is a master dribbler. He has the medals to show for this claim. And in the political realm, master dribbler Weah has also exhibited quite some dribbling skills on the likes of Brumskine, Tubman, and Sirleaf.
