News articles

The Bush Chicken students

Liberia Has High Enrollment of Students, but 82% Dropout Rate for 12th Grade

Liberia has among the highest percentage of youth in school, estimated at 62 percent, according to a report released by The World Bank on out of school children in Africa. This figure is greater than that of Rwanda, Zambia, Ghana, and Cote D’Ivoire, to name a few. However, 82 percent of twelfth graders in Liberia drop out of school.

Resignations, Budget Allotments at 2015 Nimba County Council Sitting

Junior Senator Thomas Grupee and District #7 Representative Worlea Saywah Donah both resigned their respective posts as Chairman and Secretary of the Nimba County Legislative Caucus. The lawmakers announced their resignation at the recently concluded County Council Sitting Meeting held in Sanniquellie.
