TUBMANBURG, Bomi – ForumCiv Liberia has awarded grants totaling 750,000 Swedish Krona (US$85,423) to four civil society organizations operating in Bomi to assist them in capacity building.
The four organizations benefitting were the Center for Trauma Healing Reconciliation and Peacebuilding Network with 250,000 SEK, Ku-ka-ton-nor Women Association with 100,000 SEK, Women Initiative for Protection with 250,000 SEK, and the Bomi County Civil Society Council with 150,000 SEK.
Awarding the grant to the four organizations, ForumCiv’s grant officer, Kon-kun Wleh, said only three organizations were initially slated to receive the grants, but because of the performance of the first three groups in the first phase of the program, ForumCiv decided to invite an additional CSO.
“Today we are in Grant Window Two, and Bomi County again, instead of three, they have added one to make it four groups to benefit,” he said.
Wleh said the grant beneficiaries will work in their respective areas within a one-year period. He asked that they demonstrate accountability and faithfulness to the communities and the conditions under which they received the funds.
“We want to support CSOs in rural communities; we empower them by providing grants because we want them to participate in locally-owned initiatives in their various areas,” Wleh added.
Speaking on behalf of the grantees, Boimah Sando, the head of the Bomi County Civil Society Council, applauded ForumCiv for empowering CSOs in the county.
He promised transparency and accountability and assured ForumCiv that the grants would be administered as intended.
”We will use the money given to us for its intended purpose,” he said. “We remain committed to doing all that we can to make our county and our respective jobs better.”
According to ForumCiv’s grant officer, the organization started its operations in 2018 and works in four thematic areas: climate change and environment, gender quality and women’s rights, democracy and accountability, and land rights.
Featured photo by Richard Williams