New Lofa Superintendent is Inducted into the Office

VOINJAMA, Lofa—Superintendent J. Lavela Massaquoi and other Lofa local government officials have been inducted into office.

Massaquoi was inducted along with district commissioners, township commissioners, city mayors, and assistant superintendents on May 16 at the William V. S. Tubman County Hall. The ceremony brought together traditional leaders, youth leaders, Lofa lawmakers, and visitors from neighboring Guinea.

As he handed over power, outgoing Superintendent William Tamba Kamba outlined his achievements, including mitigation of land conflicts, youth empowerment, road rehabilitation, and negotiations for county network coverage.

“Despite the challenges I faced with the untimely allotments from the government, of which the government still owes the county over US$500,000, we managed to have the amount of US$15,000 left in the county development fund account,” Kamba said.

He said the surplus funds would allow the new superintendent some operational flexibility, although he encouraged Massaquoi to push the national government to pay the money it owes Lofa.

He also advised the new superintendent of the need to unify the six distinct tribes within the county.

Attendees of the induction ceremony. Photo: Kelvin Kollie

Internal Affairs Minister Francis Nyumalin, who inducted the officers, emphasized the need for Lofians to develop their county while President Joseph Boakai, a son of Lofa, was in power.

“After the regime of President Boakai, what will Lofians have to show as achievements,” he said. “And this question should push us in doing better for our county.” Nyumalin called on the county’s lawmakers to help Massaquoi succeed as superintendent.

Meanwhile, the newly inducted Massaquoi said he would work to implement Boakai’s agenda. He urged other Lofa officials to do their part: “I call on all commissioners and chiefs to help implement the sanitation component in their various cities and towns, as envisioned by President Boakai.”

Massaquoi said he would work with the Ministry of Internal Affairs to audit past leaders, the county’s accounts, and the payroll. He said the audits would be done “not as a witch hunt but to set the basis for accountability and transparency in Lofa.”

Featured photo by Kelvin Kollie

Kelvin Kollie

Born in Voinjama, Lofa, Kelvin Kollie holds an A. A. degree in Public Administration and has studied Information Technology. With over seven years practicing journalism, he served as a senior newscaster and later as news director of the Voice of Lofa before resigning in February 2020 to work as a technician at a telecommunications company.

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