The Press Union of Liberia hurriedly announced the start of its elective congress on Thursday, amid signs that the congress may suffer from a court injunction.
National Media Council Probes into Facia Harris’ Disqualification for Press Union Presidency
The National Media Council of Liberia has requested to meet with the Press Union of Liberia’s disqualified presidential candidate, Facia Harris, and members of the union’s elections committee for a hearing.
Disqualified Press Union’s Presidential Candidate to Challenge Decision
Facia Harris, the lone female presidential candidate in the Press Union of Liberia’s election who was disqualified by the elections committee, has vowed to ensure that her rights are respected.
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Continues in Silence
While the #MeToo movement has picked up in U.S. and other western countries, in Liberia, there is barely any movement against sexual harassment in the workplace.