The Association of Liberia Community Radios, ALICOR, has expressed disappointment in the failure of the Government of Liberia and its partners to appreciate the contributions of community radio stations in the Ebola crisis.
Ministry of Health Completes Media Training in Kakata
A one-day training session for media workers and network organizations has taken place in Kakata, Margibi County. The training took place on Oct. 2, in the conference hall of the C.H. Rennie Hospital.
Nearly 900,000 Children Vaccinated Against Polio in Liberia
Liberian health authorities have reported that the recent polio, measles and deworming campaign across the country was a success.
Barely Done with Ebola, Another Health Disaster Looms for Liberia
Although Liberia will be declared Ebola-free on Saturday, medical authorities have announced an outbreak of measles in Liberia.
NGO Donates Anti-Ebola Materials to Lofans, Amid New Cases
A faith-based, not-for-profit organization operating in Lofa County, the origin of Liberia’s Ebola nightmare, has donated a consignment of assorted materials including anti-Ebola materials to several residents. The supplies come on the heel of unconfirmed media reports suggesting that a suspected Ebola patient traveled to the county earlier this week to seek medical attention after being exposed to the virus in Monrovia.