Tag Archives: Ministry of Lands Mines and Energy

Miners Drive River Cess Fishing Town into Poverty

Miners Drive River Cess Fishing Town into Poverty

Fifty-two-year-old Churchemah Wesseh says her grandson died from malaria last year because she could not afford to pay the hospital bills in time. A fisherwoman for more than 30 years, the single mother of six hardly makes ends meet these days. Her catch has declined, and the little money she generates is not sufficient to feed her family.

Residents near Bea Mountain’s Operations Complain of Pollution

Amid acknowledgment by the Bea Mountain Mining Corporation that toxic waste created as a result of their activities have polluted nearby wetlands, a Bush Chicken investigation has established that residents of the town of Gekando, along the Mavor River in Grand Cape Mount, are suffering from skin rashes and a polluted water supply.
