Tag Archives: Liberia Business Association

Paynesville City Corporation Enforces Ban on Street Peddling and Car Loading at ELWA Junction

Paynesville City Corporation Enforces Ban on Street Peddling and Car Loading at ELWA Junction

The city government of Paynesville has kicked off enforcement of a ban it placed on street peddling, car, tricycle, and motorcycle loading at the ELWA Junction intersection.

Stakeholders Seek Legislations to Regulate Food in Liberia

For the first time, Liberia is poised to have legislations to regulate food and establish an effective standard authority to govern consumer products.

Fear and Fractional Disagreements Diminish Impact of PATEL’s Protest

Despite earlier information that businesses in Monrovia and other major commercial centers in the country would have remained closed today, less than half the number of businesses appeared to obey the pronouncement.
