Author Archives: Gbatemah Senah

Margibi Former Assistant Superintendent Inducted as New Stipendiary Magistrate

Margibi Former Assistant Superintendent Inducted as New Stipendiary Magistrate

The Former Assistant Superintendent for Development of Margibi has been formally inducted as the new Stipendiary Magistrate of the Kakata Magisterial Court.

Defense Ministry Assures Readiness, But Releases Scant Information on Army Strength

Ahead of today’s Armed Forces Day celebrations, the Ministry of National Defense has assured the preparedness of the Armed Forces of Liberia to take over security following the departure of the United Nations Mission in Liberia.

WIPNET Disappointed over Sirleaf’s Snub of FGM in State of the Nation

The Policy Coordinator of the Women in Peace Building Network, Tambah Johnson, has expressed disappointment over the failure of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf to include the eradication of female genital mutilation in Liberia during her State of the Nation address.
