Health articles

Did the Government’s Decision to Reopen Worship Centers Send the Wrong Message?

Did the Government’s Decision to Reopen Worship Centers Send the Wrong Message?

Across Liberia, churches and mosques have been back in session for weeks (albeit with a limit to 25 percent of their facilities’ capacities), as President George Weah bowed to pressure to reopen places of worship two months after they were first ordered closed.

New Coronavirus Cases Reach Highs as Gov’t Eases Restrictions

Five days after the government announced it was easing restrictions on measures meant to control the spread of COVID-19 in Liberia, Liberia is recording an increasingly high number of new cases, with at least 10 new cases every day since the announcement. This is the first time since the pandemic that Liberia recorded such numbers in five consecutive days.

Is Liberia Conducting Enough COVID-19 Testing?

As of June 2, Liberia has recorded 296 confirmed Coronavirus cases since the first index case was reported on March 16. The relatively low number of cases, in a region not particularly known for its robust health system, begs the question: Is Liberia testing enough, or are health authorities still missing many cases due to a lack of tests?
