News articles

News Briefs for April 24, 2015 – Liberia In Progress

News about Liberia from different sources - Liberia In Progress: Liberian Female Lonestar Team qualifies for the 2nd phase of the qualifying rounds of 2016 FIFA U-20 Women’s Championship; UNAIDS sponsored HIV media Guide for Liberian Journalists launched; Liberia’s Ministry of Defense calls on the European Union for non-lethal support to Liberia’s security sector, as UNMIL effects

April 22nd Memorial Group Pays Tribute to Tolbert and Prominent Supporters

On April 12, 1980, just two days before the anniversary of the 1979 rice riots that shook the core of the Tolbert administration, President William R. Tolbert Jr. became the first sitting Chairman of the Organization of African Unity to be deposed by a coup d’etat since Kwame Nkrumah.

News Briefs for April 23, 2015 – Liberian Affairs

News about Liberia from different sources – Liberian Affairs– Liberia signs US$20M Loan for RIA’s rehabilitation; Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation threatens to cut water supply to the Capitol; Liberian Ministry of Labor is reviewing the process of granting work permits to non-Liberians; Divorced Clergy barred from nomination as bishop in Liberia; Second Batch of Liberian girls due

U.S. Ebola Survivor Dr. Sacra says Liberia Needs Family Physicians

Dr. Rick Sacra, a missionary and Ebola survivor, says Liberia needs family physicians. During a brief stay in Liberia after overcoming his encounter with Ebola, Sacra spoke about his efforts to start a family practice residency program. He also provided insights on how the Ebola outbreak had devastated the health sector.

News Briefs for April 21, 2015 – Liberian Progress

News about Liberia from different sources - Liberian Progress : World Bank grants $650 million to Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone for Ebola recovery in the next few months; World Council of Credit Unions partners with the Liberian Credit Union National Association to rebuild the credit union sector devastated from 15 years of civil war; Street Child Supports 1,500 Back to School; Football
