Tag Archives: Donald Trump

Members of U.S. Congress Write Trump to Prevent Liberians from Deportation

Members of U.S. Congress Write Trump to Prevent Liberians from Deportation

Ahead of next week’s expiration of the Deferred Enforced Departure status for over 4,000 Liberians, 11 members of the U.S. Congress have written President Donald Trump asking him to take an immediate action to prevent the Liberians from being deported.

Thousands Sign Petition to Stop Deportation of Liberians on DED in U.S.

DED beneficiaries, according to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service, are Liberians or stateless individuals who last resided in Liberia that have lived in the U.S. since 2002. Some held another immigration status called Temporary Protective Status up to September 30, 2007 and were subsequently covered by DED. More than 4,000 individuals are covered under the program.

In Face of DED Expiration, Liberians Hold Immigration Rally in Minnesota

Liberians in the U.S. state of Minnesota will hold a rally today, to call for a two-year extension of the Temporary Protective Status and a pathway to citizenship. Minnesota is the home to the largest community of Liberians in the U.S., hundreds who whom might be affected by the expiration of the DED, MINNPOST reported.
