Nearly two days after Grand Bassa confirmed its first Coronavirus case, three additional cases have emerged.
A Youth-Led Group Launches Virtual Entrepreneurship Training Program
A youth-led social enterprise has launched an online Virtual Entrepreneurship Program to keep Liberian high school students engaged throughout the COVID-19 break from school.
UNDP Installs Solar Panels at Buchanan’s Liberian Government Hospital
UNDP has restored electricity at Grand Bassa’s largest hospital, after installing solar panels at the Liberian Government Hospital.
Grand Bassa’s Coronavirus Awareness Begins, Along With State of Emergency
Grand Bassa’s county administration has begun distributing sanitation materials across the county and pushing to raise awareness about the Coronavirus.
Buchanan Radio Station Begins Community Resource Project to Ensure Financial Sustainability
A community radio station in Buchanan, Magic FM, has begun constructing a community resource center in Buchanan to help it become more financially sustainable. The center will comprise of a multipurpose conference hall, office space, and well-furnished self-contained bedrooms that will be rented out to the public.
Infant Goes Missing from LAC Hospital in Grand Bassa
The chair of the Grand Bassa Legislative Caucus, Thomas Goshua, has threatened to invite the Liberian Agricultural Company to the House of Representatives for questioning if it does not find a newborn baby that went missing at the company’s hospital.
Grand Bassa Voluntarily Implements Coronavirus Regulations Required for Margibi, Montserrado
Grand Bassa has begun voluntarily implementing most of the health emergency measures proposed by the Ministry of Health to contain the spread of the Coronavirus in Margibi and Montserrado.
Sen. Kaipay Breaks Ground for New Road in Grand Bassa
Grand Bassa’s Sen. Jonathan Kaipay has broken ground for the construction of a 20-kilometer road in Doegbah Administrative District.