Finance Ministry Announces Disbursement of Funds for Striking Health Workers’ Salaries

MONROVIA, Montserrado – In an effort to resolve the impasse between the government and striking health workers that has paralyzed operations at several health facilities across the country, the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning announced on Thursday, September 26, 2019 that it has begun disbursing checks to cover the salaries of employees at the John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital.

The nationwide strike has government-run hospitals completely empty since Monday, September 23. At the JFK Hospital, students from the Tubman National Institute of Medical Arts had been called to fill in for health workers who were striking.

Several other public health facilities were also deserted, as thousands of health workers decided to strike to draw the government’s attention to their wide range of concerns, including payment of salary arrears and ensure health facilities are properly equipped with drugs and other crucial supplies.

“The checks have been issued to JFK’s management for prompt disbursement of employees’ salaries,” the Finance Ministry disclosed in a press release.

The ministry also clarified that health workers were protected from salary reduction under its controversial salary harmonization exercise. Instead, the ministry noted that “thousands of health workers got [salary] increases.”

The statement also said the ministry was making progress to ensure that the August and September salaries of all civil servants are being progressively processed and disbursed.

Earlier, the health workers union’s secretary-general, George Poe Williams, had told The Bush Chicken that some health workers had received their salaries while others had not. His statement was corroborated by several other health workers across the country.

The multiple days’ strike has paralyzed operations at health facilities across the country, including in Gbarpolu, Bong, Lofa, Montserrado, Bassa, Bomi, Maryland, Grand Kru, Grand Gedeh, and River Cess.

Featured photo by Ministry of Finance and Development Planning

Zeze Ballah

Zeze made his journalism debut as a high school reporter at the LAMCO Area School System. In 2016 and 2017, the Press Union of Liberia awarded Zeze with the Photojournalist of the Year award. Zeze was also the union's 2017 Health Reporter of the Year. He is a Health Journalism Fellow with Internews.

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