Tag Archives: Liberia Electricity Corporation

A Look at the Market Woman: The Cornerstone of Liberian Commerce

A Look at the Market Woman: The Cornerstone of Liberian Commerce

With over 78% percent of the informal economy being comprised of “market women,” the Liberian economy is primarily driven by women merchants. During the civil war, it was the market women who were brave enough to continue traveling across enemy lines to secure food and supplies for their communities and were very instrumental in helping pressure warring parties for a ceasefire.

OP-ED: A Decade of Electricity Problems and Promises

To say that Liberia’s electricity situation is lacking is an understatement. About 10 percent of urban residents and less than 2 percent of rural residents currently have access to electricity — and the bulk of that is self-generated using generators and expensive imported fuel. The most common form of energy in Liberia is “biomass” such

World Bank’s US$60 Million Support Helps Liberians Gain Access To Electricity

The Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank has approved a new US$60 million International Development Association credit for the Liberian government to help continue to expand affordable electricity services to businesses and households in order to spur economic growth, create jobs, and reduce poverty
