Tag Archives: Thomas Goshua

Lawmakers Freeze Salary Harmonization Process Due to Concerns Over Legality

Lawmakers Freeze Salary Harmonization Process Due to Concerns Over Legality

Four lawmakers at the House of Representatives have called for an immediate freeze on the implementation of the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning’s planned salary harmonization. 

Senator Kaipay Submits 2017/2018 Annual Legislative Report

After touring Grand Bassa’s five districts to explain his accomplishments over the past two years, Grand Bassa’s Senator Jonathan Kaipay has submitted his legislative report to his constituents.

Police Say Weah Did Not Interfere in Old Road Violence

The Liberia National Police has denied claims by Montserrado’s 10th district representative, Yekeh Kolubah, accusing its inspector general, Patrick Sudue, of avoiding arresting perpetrators of Sunday’s violence at a party he organized for children in his district on the orders of President George Weah.

Grand Bassa Lawmaker Wants House to Submit to Missing Billion Probe

After House Speaker Bhofal Chambers made a controversial comment that the legislature cannot be invited by any institution for investigation into the missing billions in Liberian banknotes, Grand Bassa’s fifth district representative, Thomas Goshua, has differed by saying no one is above the law.
