Tag Archives: Thomas Goshua

Equatorial Palm Oil Company Admits Reneging on Responsibilities

Equatorial Palm Oil Company Admits Reneging on Responsibilities

The subsidiary of the Equatorial Palm Oil Company operating in Grand Bassa has admitted to recent claims by county residents that it is not meeting its responsibilities under its concession agreement.

Stakeholders Receive Training for Effective Management of County Social Development Funds

The Natural Resource Management Coalition, a conglomeration of civil society organizations working on natural resource management programs in Liberia, has ended a two-day awareness and training for stakeholders on the effective management of County Social Development Funds.

Civil Society Leader Calls for Fees at Public Health Facilities to Improve Services

Although the Liberian government has a policy of providing free care at public health facilities across the country, in practice these facilities often find themselves cash strapped and out of key supplies because of the limited support from the government. A major civil society leader is now calling for the policy to be scrapped to allow health facilities to collect fees to operate more smoothly.
