Author Archives: Gbatemah Senah

Desperation or Calculated Violation? How Lawmakers Illegally Waived US$6.5 Million of Social Development Funds

Desperation or Calculated Violation? How Lawmakers Illegally Waived US$6.5 Million of Social Development Funds

Citizens in Margibi have raised eyebrows over waiver of over US$1.6 million of County Social Development Funds or CSDF owed the county by China Union.

Weah Solicits U.N. Support to Implement TRC Recommendations

President George Weah has requested the support of the United Nations to implement recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, including the establishment of a special tribunal to try individuals accused of committing war and economic crimes during the country’s 14 years of civil war.

Global Justice Campaigner Commends Weah’s Call for Implementation of the TRC Recommendations

A lead campaigner for justice for war victims in Liberia, Hassan Bility, has commended President George Weah for seeking legislative guidance in the implementation of recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, including the establishment of a war and economic crimes court.
