A US$330,000 regional complex built in Bomi to host the Forestry Development Authority and the Environmental Protection Agency has been turned over to the government.
Libassa Wildlife Sanctuary and Partners Celebrate World Pangolin Day, First Time in Post-War Liberia
For the first time in post-war Liberia, Liberia has celebrated World Pangolin Day. The celebration was organized by the Libassa Wildlife Sanctuary, in collaboration with the Forestry Development Authority, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Paynesville City Corporation, and other partners.
Sinoe Health Team Embarks on County Awareness to Prevent Coronavirus
Local health authorities in Sinoe have embarked on a county-wide awareness and sensitization campaign against the Coronavirus.
Blue Oceans Environmental Conference Kicks Off
The Liberian government is partnering with the Embassy of Sweden and Conservation International to hold the environmentally focused conference in Monrovia from March 18-21.
Liberia to Host Blue Oceans Conference
The Liberian government is partnering with the Embassy of Sweden and Conservation International to hold an environmentally focused conference in Monrovia from March 18-21, 2019.
Caldwell Protest for Electricity Turns Violent
On Monday, December 3, several aggrieved residents in the Caldwell community outside Monrovia gathered at 4 a.m. to set up a roadblock to demand electricity from the Liberia Electricity Corporation.
EPA Investigates Potential Threat for Tsunami
The Environment Protection Agency says it has launched an investigation into a potential threat for tsunami on the shores of the country.