Tag Archives: Front Page Africa

Labor Ministry Investigates Complaint of Illegal Dismissal of LEC’s Communication Manager

Labor Ministry Investigates Complaint of Illegal Dismissal of LEC’s Communication Manager

The Ministry of Labor is currently investigating officials at the Liberia Electricity Corporation for alleged dismissal of its communications manager, James Kpargoi.

Biometrics 101: A Brief History of Biometric National ID Cards in Liberia

In 2011, the Government of Liberia created the National Identification Registry, an autonomous agency that would be responsible for developing and administering a National Biometric Identification System for all citizens and residents of the Republic of Liberia. This is no small undertaking, but six years later, NBIS is almost a reality.

OP-ED: What Happened in Vegas is What Happens in Liberia

Over the past week and a half, my social media feeds have been flooded with pictures and musings from Liberian journalists in the United States, primarily as a result of a meeting of the Association of Liberian Journalists in the United States.

Government, Academia, and Civil Society Actors Discuss Natural Resource Procurement

On June 29, the Kofi Annan Institute for Conflict Transformation at the University of Liberia, in association with GIZ, hosted a panel discussion on the theme, “How Effective is the Bidding Process in Liberia’s Natural Resource Sector?”
