Tag Archives: Medecins Sans Frontieres

MSF Liberia Says It Treats Over 80 Mental Health Patients in Montserrado Every Month

MSF Liberia Says It Treats Over 80 Mental Health Patients in Montserrado Every Month

Hassan Nasser, a psychiatrist working with the Médecins Sans Frontières’ Mental Health Project in Liberia, has disclosed that the organization is providing treatment to at least 80 mental health patients in Montserrado every month.

Did Urey’s Foundation Treat Over 5,000 People During the Ebola Outbreak?

Did Urey’s team treat over 5,000 people during the Ebola epidemic? And if so, was that number more than what the government and international community treated combined?

Stakeholders Validate National Mental Health Strategic Plan

The Ministry of Health’s Mental Health Unit, along with international and local partners, recently met in Gbarnga to validate Liberia’s 2016-2021 strategic plan for mental health.
