Tag Archives: Public Procurement and Concessions Commission

OP-ED: Public Procurement – a Critical Tool for Nation Building or a Toothless Bull Dog?

Public procurement is the process through which hard-earned taxpayers’ monies are used to better the lives of its citizens. Contemporary public procurement has gone beyond just buying goods, works, and services. Developed countries like France, Singapore, and the United Kingdom, for example, are now using public procurement to mitigate climate change, fight corruption, bribery, human trafficking, or child labor.

Dorbor Jallah Says His “Options are Open”

James Dorbor Jallah, who recently served as the executive director of the Public Procurement and Concessions Commission before being removed from the position, says his “options are open at the moment.”

Tubman University Official Receiving Kickbacks on Contracts

A senior staff of the William V. S. Tubman University in Harper, Maryland County, Roland T. Barnes, has been revealed to be involved in a scheme to receive kickbacks from a construction company in exchange for contracts to be awarded by the university.
