Author Archives: Richard Williams

Eyeing Bomi Senate Seat, Adama Dorley Renovates Schools and Empowers Local Farmers

Eyeing Bomi Senate Seat, Adama Dorley Renovates Schools and Empowers Local Farmers

The auxiliary group of a senatorial aspirant, Adama Soko Dorley of Bomi, has begun renovating a number of public and private schools across the county. The process, which commenced with the Gbah Jakeh Public school, is expected to impact 52 public and private schools across the county’s five administrative districts, according to Musa Ballo, the spokesperson of the group.

Vice President Breaks Ground for Youth Rehabilitation Project in Bomi

Vice President Jewel Howard-Taylor visited Bomi this past weekend to break grounds for the Bai T. Moore Rehabilitation Village Project in the county’s capital, Tubmanburg. The project, named after the famous son of the county, a poet and literary icon, possesses incredible historical and sentimental value for the people of Tubmanburg.
