Tag Archives: Bridge International Academies

PRESS RELEASE: Student Union Calls for Dialogue in Response to Strike by Teachers

PRESS RELEASE: Student Union Calls for Dialogue in Response to Strike by Teachers

It is with sadness that we gather here today to give our official statement on the saga involving the Teachers Association of Liberia and the Ministry of Education on the one hand and the Monrovia Consolidated School System and the MCSS Teachers Union on the other hand.

OP-ED: George K. Werner – A Reformist or Deformist?

Liberia in this age of globalization and modernity is wedged in a web of dilemma due to an array of factors. With all of what this country has in terms of natural wealth, it remains a symbol of poverty and illiteracy in Africa, even though it was once seen as the pride of Africa.

At Kendeja Public School, More Than 300 Students Left Unenrolled

Several parents are protesting the refusal of authorities of the Kendeja Public School, located on the Robertsfield Highway, to enroll their children.

Stakeholders Paint Grim Picture for Partnership Schools

At a Ministry of Education meeting with operators selected to participate in the Partnership Schools for Liberia initiative, several operators have described alarming situations at Liberian schools that may pose a challenge to starting their work at the beginning of the school year.

Education Minister Eases Concerns about Partnership Schools for Liberia

Education Minister George Werner’s latest move to partner with private institutions to improve the quality of Liberia’s education system has been met with intense resistance from many individuals and groups. In an exclusive interview with The Bush Chicken, the Minister clarified some of the misconceptions about his approach.
