Tag Archives: Unity Party

Suspended Unity Party Chairman Files New Petition for Declaratory Judgement

Suspended Unity Party chairman Wilmot Paye has filed a new petition to the Civil Law Court for a declarative judgment. Paye was suspended by the Unity Party National Executive Committee on January 21 for holding a press conference asking members and supporters of the party not to participate in the January 6 protest organized by the Council of Patriots.

In Stinging Defeat to Government, Civil Law Court ‘B’ Restores Punch FM’s License to Operate

On Tuesday, Jan. 7, Judge Peter Gbenewelleh of Civil Law Court B dealt a major blow to the government in a case filed by the management of Punch FM 106.3, in which the government continues to deny the issuing the station’s operating license. The judge ruled in a declaratory judgment that the government must immediately issue Punch FM’s license.  

Cummings’ ANC Withdraws Candidate in Cape Mount’s Senatorial By-Election

The Alternative National Congress of former presidential candidate Alexander Cummings has announced a decision to withdraw its candidate, Samuel Taylor, from the upcoming senatorial by-election in Grand Cape Mount.
