Tag Archives: John F. Kennedy Medical Center

As Ex-Sergeant is Jailed, Army’s Neglect Apparent in Documents

As Ex-Sergeant is Jailed, Army’s Neglect Apparent in Documents

In the ongoing case involving Seargeant Melvin K. Tolbert, the Armed Forces of Liberia appears to have demonstrated negligence in meeting its obligations to one of its soldiers who was injured while on duty, according to documents provided to The Bush Chicken.

Misplaced Priorities Reflected in Draft National Budget

The Ministry of Finance and Development Planning has prepared and submitted its budget for the upcoming fiscal year, 2016-2017. Understandably in anticipation of the 2017 elections, the National Elections Commission sees the greatest percentage increase in budget allocation.

OP-ED: Amid Liberia’s Acute Health Care Needs, a Criminal Syndicate at JFK

A big news story emerged last week in Monrovia, at the John F. Kennedy Medical Center, the nation’s biggest hospital. What has surfaced is news of a criminal syndicate at JFK, which has managed to defraud the health facility of about US$500,000.

Squatter Community Survives in Ruins of Catherine Mills Rehabilitation Center

Several squatters occupying the facility of the Catherine Mills Rehabilitation Center are making ends meet on the ruins of that former mental health hospital.

Overcrowding, Limited Medication at Liberia’s Only Mental Health Hospital

Liberia’s only referral mental health hospital, E.S. Grant, lacks the proper resources necessary for treating its patients.
