Tag Archives: National Patriotic Party

Sen. Sando Johnson’s Road Rehabilitation in Bomi Draws Praises and Criticisms

Sen. Sando Johnson’s Road Rehabilitation in Bomi Draws Praises and Criticisms

Bomi’s Senator Sando Johnson has kicked off a major road rehabilitation effort in the county ahead of the rainy season. The initiative, which will open many of the feeder roads that become damaged and nearly impassable during the rainy season, is expected to bring some relief to citizens.

OP-ED: Charles Walker Brumskine – ‘The Man in the Arena’

Indeed, Cllr. Charles Walker Brumskine spent himself in a worthy cause for Liberia’s betterment. Sadly, like the many great sons and daughters before him whose legacies live only in distant fading memories, what is left of him will depend upon the society he leaves behind.

Local CDC Leadership Split in Support of Party’s Candidate in Margibi

The local leadership of the Coalition for Democratic Change in Margibi’s second district has suggested that it will not support the party’s pick for the representative position, amid dissatisfaction over how the candidate was selected.
