Tag Archives: Samuel Tweah

Judicial Workers Temporarily Suspend Protest for Salary Arrears After Finance Minister’s Intervention

Judicial Workers Temporarily Suspend Protest for Salary Arrears After Finance Minister’s Intervention

Employees of the judicial branch of government have temporarily suspended their protest at the Temple of Justice in Monrovia after Finance Minister Samuel Tweah assured them of the government’s commitment to investigate their claim.

Finance Ministry Announces Disbursement of Funds for Striking Health Workers’ Salaries

In an effort to resolve the impasse between the government and striking health workers that has paralyzed operations at several health facilities across the country, the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning announced on Thursday, September 26, 2019 that it has begun disbursing checks to cover the salaries of employees at the John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital.

OP-ED: Salary Harmonization or Salary Cut?

A salary cut is a reduction or decrease in one’s pay or income. It is also called salary deduction or wage cut. Meanwhile, a salary harmonization simply means equal work for equal pay across government or the same position for the same salary. Salary harmonization mainly focuses on equity on the pay scale or bridging salary disparities or imbalances.
