Tag Archives: Unity Party

OP-ED: Forget Road Fund or Elections Opinion, Ja’neh’s Fate Was Sealed Years Ago

OP-ED: Forget Road Fund or Elections Opinion, Ja’neh’s Fate Was Sealed Years Ago

Associate Justice Kabina Ja’neh was impeached by the House of Representatives in August 2018. He was convicted and removed from office by the Senate on March 29, 2019. He faced four counts in the bill of impeachment; however, he was found guilty on one count: the Road Fund.

OP-ED: Democracy on Retrial Under George M. Weah

Our democracy was on trial under Doe and Taylor. It is now on retrial under ex-soccer star George M. Weah. Things are falling apart so quickly. Lawlessness is hitting the roof. Violence and vandalism have become the new normal. The debris and scars of our dark past are fast evolving. Terror is back in the land.

NEC Declares Abraham Dillon Winner of Montserrado Senatorial Election

Following final official tally of votes in the senatorial by-election in Montserado, the National Elections Commission on Friday, August 2, declared Abraham Darius Dillon of the opposition Liberty Party winner of the July 29 senatorial elections in Montserrado.

What Happened to Yesterday’s Protest

Yesterday, a planned protest organized by the Council of Patriots seemed to go astray amid a gathering of a small group of protesters near Capitol Hill without the presence of their leaders. The day’s events later got complicated, as rioting sprouted on Tubman Boulevard, causing major traffic.

Gov’t and Protesters Dispute Reason for not Presenting Petition

On Saturday, June 8, 2019, the Liberian government released a statement criticizing the organizers of the June 7 protest for their unwillingness to present their petition to the government; however, the protesters say the government reneged on its agreement to have an elected senior government official receive its petition.
