Author Archives: Fidel Budy

OP-ED: The Case for Voting ‘Yes’ to Dual Nationality on Dec. 8

I believe that dual nationality could be good for Liberia and Liberians if it is done right and for the right reasons. It will restore the sense of belonging to our brothers and sisters in the diaspora who have taken up other citizenships, freeing up their investment potential which could create a lot of small businesses and contribute to the livelihoods of many ordinary Liberians.

OP-ED: Forget Road Fund or Elections Opinion, Ja’neh’s Fate Was Sealed Years Ago

Associate Justice Kabina Ja’neh was impeached by the House of Representatives in August 2018. He was convicted and removed from office by the Senate on March 29, 2019. He faced four counts in the bill of impeachment; however, he was found guilty on one count: the Road Fund.

OP-ED: A Response to Rodney Sieh’s ‘Same and the Shame’ Letter

On July 25, 2018, I lamented our claim to independence for not taking ownership of our failings or actions within our control to change the trajectory of our nation. Having read the editorial by FrontPage Africa’s Rodney Sieh published on 25 July 2019, I felt obliged to give a different analysis. There are some points in the piece that I agree with, but a lot I believe are misplaced. I would like to deconstruct the narrative proffered by my countryman, whom I respect and applaud for his excellent investigative reporting.
