Tag Archives: Coronavirus

OP-ED: Recalling Its Ebola Hysteria Would Help the U.S. Better Confront the Coronavirus

OP-ED: Recalling Its Ebola Hysteria Would Help the U.S. Better Confront the Coronavirus

Much like the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, Ebola revealed global inequities and exerted a debilitating psychological drag alongside its medical effects. My fellow Americans, who were so quick to condemn West Africa(ns) during the Ebola crisis, would be well served to recall their recent alarm as they struggle to address the Coronavirus.

Grand Bassa Sees 22% Reduction in Vaccination of Children During COVID-19

Health authorities in Grand Bassa have revealed numbers that show a significant decrease in the utilization of health services in the county during the COVID19 outbreak. Most notably, it shows a 22.5 percent reduction in the number of children vaccinated from the first three months of the year to the first three months of the COVID-19 lockdown.
