Features articles

The Bush Chicken Tops Press Union Awards

The Bush Chicken Tops Press Union Awards

The Press Union of Liberia has held its annual awards event, with reporters of The Bush Chicken topping the list of this year’s award recipients.

A Tribute to Svend E. Holsoe (1939-2017), a Tireless American Scholar of Liberia

Once again I bring to the community of Liberia scholars the sad news of the passing of a renowned scholar of the Liberian experience. Professor Svend E. Holsoe, an expert on the Vai people and an avid and unrelenting collector of things Liberian passed away at a Philadelphia hospital on the morning of May 4, 2017 after a protracted illness at age 78.

‘Washington Wanted Tolbert Out’: Why the OAU Chair Never Attended Zimbabwe’s Independence Celebration

In July 1979, President William R. Tolbert Jr. of Liberia basked in glory in a purpose-built conference hall on the banks of the St. Paul River, which for over a century had served as an important conduit for the country’s Americo-Liberian settlers to penetrate the interior of a land which had attracted black American settlers since 1822.
